Сингапурские авиалинии даже штрафы отменили за сдачу билетов и изменения - просто молодцы, хотя и не по их вине - а мне в школе говорили что капитализЪма с человеческим лицом не бывает.... - опять врали...
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Singapore Airlines
Update on Haze Situation in Singapore
Singapore Airlines is closely monitoring the haze situation in Singapore and is working with the relevant regulatory authorities. Currently, Singapore Airlines' flights into and out of Changi Airport are continuing to operate as scheduled. However, contingency plans are in place should the situation worsen and affect flight operations.
We appreciate that some customers may wish to defer their travel at this time. Singapore Airlines will waive administrative fees/penalties for refunds, re-booking and re-routing, for customers holding confirmed tickets issued on or before 21 June for travel over 21-27 June 2013. The above also applies to redemption tickets.
For more information, please visit our website at http://bit.ly/15pq9Yv