I am a Russian national currently travelling around the world and volunteering on various projects. I am keen to move and work in Kuala Lumpur, as my long-term partner will be relocating there to start his new job. Therefore I would like to use your help and expertise in order to find a suitable job for me.
I am a pro-active leader, with proven communication and interpersonal skills, providing coaching, training and mentoring to build cohesive teams working together to achieve individual targets and corporate objectives. Results oriented and customer focused, with excellent relationship management skills. I am experienced in – CRM database management, Website development, Advertising and Direct marketing, Strategic marketing planning and Customer support.
In order to progress in my career I would like to be part of a multinational organisation which pays a lot of attention to its marketing operations. As I have a track record of success and responsibility for various marketing projects, I would like a job which includes broad selection of responsibilities related to Marketing Strategy & Planning, Marketing Communications, Market Research and Team management and education.
In addition, as a native Russian speaker with excellent skills in English and basic skills in German, I have multicultural capabilities which I would like to use in my job. Moreover I would be extremely capable of working in various environments, as I have a previous experience of living abroad in the United Kingdom for several years. By coming to work and study in the UK, I have challenged my abilities, developed strong analytical skills and shown that I can adapt quickly to change. Furthermore, I am very flexible and I enjoy to travelling at the moment. I have been in more then 30 countries all over the world; therefore it would be easy and enjoyable for me to relocate and to take international assignments if required.
During the next month I will be in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia and will be available for the face-to-face meeting/interview at any time. If the job is suitable for me I can start immediately. Also you can contact me via my email or telephone at any time.
I appreciate all of your attention and look forward to discuss any opportunities in more detail.
Marketing Professional seeking employment in KL
- Турист
- Сообщения: 3
- Зарегистрирован: 13 апр 2013 22:36
- Турист
- Сообщения: 1
- Зарегистрирован: 15 апр 2013 05:58
Re: Marketing Professional seeking employment in KL
i am looking for people who have contacts in russia to work with the worlds 1st health product which is native to the human body,, this product is not available in russia. its a product from usa known as redox signaling, please contact me on caesar1956@yaoo.com or sms me 016 5688969
Re: Marketing Professional seeking employment in KL
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