Сообщение Tatyana » 24 окт 2008 13:20
Мне уже четвертый человек высылает предупреждение про воровство машин, которое я запостила немножко ранее. Сегодня еще и получила сообщение от одной дамы, которая переслала мне предложение застраховаться от непредвиденных ситуаций (воровство, ограбление, мошенничество и ранения). Если кто-то заинтересуется, вот сообщение и необходимые контакты:
Caterina, Thanks for the warning. I have taken the liberty to address all those having received this message to announce a new insurance product just out from ACE Insurance.
WalletGuard - covers theft of your wallet/handbag/purse and other "life critical" possessions e.g. mobile phone, PDA, Ipod, Blackberry etc. Covers cost of replacement locks at your home if keys lost as a result of (attended) theft. Replacement cost of passports, iidentity cards, replacement card fees, stored value cards etc. and gives monetary benefits for fraudulent transactions on your credit card (prior to reporting) and up to MYR500 for stolen cash plus medical benefits if you are injured in the process.
Costs less than One Ringgit a day to cover insured, spouse and two children 24 hours a day world-wide.
With this piece of mind, if you are attacked or mugged or fall foul of one of these scams, don't put up a struggle. Just call the ACE help line and they put everything in motion to minimise the financial impact and the hassle including sourcing a "credentialised" locksmith.
Anyone interested in more details please contact me.
Thanks for your attention.
Best regards and keep alert, keep safe.
Sylvia Pereira
Registered General Insurance Agent
(Regn. No. 136932-00) for
ACE Synergy Insurance Berhad
Mob: 01 2218 9745
Res: (03) 8736 4700
Fax: (03) 8737 7001
"Хрен, положенный на мнение окружающих, гарантирует спокойную и счастливую жизнь..." Ф.Раневская